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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Shun the Non-Believers!

*Disclaimer: Please don't really shun anybody because they act the way Kristin's co-worker does in the story below. They just don't get it.*

For those of you who may not know, I am in the midst of planning my next trip to Disney.  A few weeks ago, I was using one of my breaks at work to review some of the travel plans I have already made.  A co-worker came up behind me and very condescendingly said “You’re going again?  How many times has that been?  It can’t be that interesting!  You really should go someplace else.”  My first reaction was to defend myself:  I do travel elsewhere.  I have been all over the east coast, have been out to California. I have traveled to various places around the Caribbean, have started my European adventures and am in the midst of planning an extended stay in the Middle East within the next calendar year. 

Then it occurred to me, WHY should I feel the need to defend myself?  I enjoy vacationing in Disney World.  It is fun for me and who cares whether or not SHE finds it interesting, I find it interesting.  To me Disney is more than just a series of theme parks.  The attractions are only a small part of the appeal to me.  I enjoy the food, the environment, the music, and the smells.  I enjoy my time there.  I love to let go and allow the silly part of my personality take over.   I love the new memories I create with my loved ones and I love reliving some of the old.  I love watching the resort evolve over the years and having new and exciting experiences in a place I know and love so well.

To me this is no different than vacationing at the same beach house every summer or going on a bi-annual camping trip.  So what if instead of hiking through Yellowstone or going on a cruise or taking a ski vacation every year, I choose to travel to and stay in Disney?  This is what I enjoy doing, this is a place I LOVE to be.  I intend to travel there with my future husband and the new family we create.  I think about how wonderful it will be to have a complete family vacation there with my parents, sisters, our husbands and any babies that may be running around.    I love that Walt Disney World and the Disney experience has become such a foundation within my family.  In many ways, I grew up in Walt Disney World and it has become a part of me.  

So, to this nosey co-worker and anyone else who may scoff at my vacationing choices, judge all you want.  I love my time at WDW and I will continue to do so.  There are always going to be people out there who judge our choices just because they do not understand them.  As I said earlier, my first reaction was to go on the defense; however, since I have taken a step back from the situation, I realize that being content and excited with my choice to go to WDW again is far better than trying to explain myself to a non-believer.   

Never be embarrassed to say that you’re going back to WDW!  Only those who have already experienced the magic can truly understand why you want to return.


1 comment:

  1. You should come back to California though...just saying ;)
